
Prácticas de redacción

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

An unknown start(VI)

The two kept embracing each other for a moment. That was all that Anna needed, the warm from a hug, the comfort of someone who understands her, only with a glance.

''My little Anna, How have you found me?, How did you know where I have been all this years?''

''Grandma told me''

Henry looked at the sky, trying to stop the tears.

''Your...your grandma, Is still alive?

Anna dried the tears with the cuffs of her coat and nodded.

''She told me the truth when dad died''

''No'' Henry sobbed ''No ...Thomas...my boy is...''

''Dad passed away two weeks ago...he had been ill for a long time...but he was happy until the last minute''

''That is something...this is hard....Honey you are strong, stronger than me...I can't understand how could you come here...I need to know it all from the start''

''Me too grandpa''

''Let's go home, you need to eat something. I live in a small cabin, but is friendly enough''

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

An unknown start (V)

Henry took the photograph. He stared at it without any expression on his face, only looking at the photograph as it were the last thing he could see before die. Anna closed her eyes strongly and bit her lips, wishing that all this had an end, at least a good end.

The old man sighed and give her back the photograph.

''From where did you get this?''

Anna held the tears on her throat.

''That is not the point Henry, I have to know if you know who is the little boy on this photograph, and I promise that after that, you will never see me again''.    

The silence fell between them cold. The wind began to swing Anna's hair and suddenly Henry embraced her against his chest.

''You can't go away from me Anna...I have been waiting for you all my life...all my life''.


Education should not be an obligation

Education is something that is supposed to be the builder of our foundations as human beings. The knowledge we acquire from it, has to estructure our minds since we are children, but, now that I've experimented almost all the different steps of the education programme, I find many is issues that should be revised.

Since we are three or four years old, we have to go to school, we have to go away from our home every morning and leave behind the routine as babies and start to acquire a knowledge that will stay in our minds forever; in a way or another, education begins to create the person we will be in the future and, although this is something required and basic for anyone, this also can turn into the most traumatic experience in a children's life.

If we analyse it, we can find the reason why some children don't want to go to school and they start seeing it like an obligation. In many cases, children can realise that they are being forced to learn how to read ot write when actually, they are not prepated to advance and be able to do it yet.

I have lived that, in fact, I still remember myself trying to pretend being ill when my mother woke me up to go to school.At that time, I only knew that school was not a good place for understanding me, it was not a place to let me enjoy myself and have a good time playing, instead of that, it seemed to be the place when I went out crying when I was feeling very shy to talk to the teachers, to sum up, the worst place in the whole world for a four-year old little girl.

Fortunately, this situation has changed as the time I was growng up, or best said, I had to change if I wanted to survive the following six years of primary school.

Now, my little cousin is the one who is suffering the same as I did. He hates going to school, he says he is sick in order to avoid going to school, and I completely understand him, unlike his parents.

All children are not the same, they have to face different challenges and have to determinate their personality, but honestly, I don't see the point in making them feel misunderstood or guilty if they only need more time than their other peers. My own experience, my cousin's experiences and the others in millions of children lives, make me think that education should be taken in another way.

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

An unknown start (IV)

The road trough where they were walking, was surrounded by many curved trees whose branches full of leaves, were making flickering shadows on the pavement. Anna looked at them and imagined they were long arms trying to catch their feet.

''We almost have arrived, are you tired?''

Anna didn't notice the old man was talking to her, she continued looking at her feet, slightly jumping the shadows, trying not to walk on them.

''Girl, Are you in this world?''

''Um'' She stopped to look at him''Sorry, Could you repeat your question?''

The man started laughing. She felt confused. That man was really strange but she didn't care about that much. At least he was being the person who was driving her to the camp.

''Thank you Sir''

''No need to, I'm happy for helping you Anna'' He smiled at the time his eyes were closed. There was something so familiar about that way of looking. He must  not be,she reprimanded herself , Oh my! What am I  thinking?... I need some rest urgently.

'' Anna, Are you able to see those lights?''

''Yes, Are they from the camp?''


Anna wanted to run to the camp immediately but inside her, there were some questions needed to make.

''Well, take care little Anna and Happy Christmas''

''Henry, wait!'' She shouted before the man walked away. She call herself a crazy but that was one of her most distinctive qualities together with her instinct ''Do you know the boy who is on this photograph?''

She fastly  took out the photograph from her pocket.

''What are you talking about?''

''Please sir, only take a look to this photo, it's the last favor''...

Thanks for reading and Happy new Year! :)