
Prácticas de redacción

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Everybody needs a chance

Everyday, on the radio, in music programmes, we hear the same famous music that everybody is supposed to like, but hardly ever, we discover some new music from this kind of platforms.

Someday I would like to hear or watch in the Tv, for instance, one song by a band that few people know or even, a song by an unknown singer who has just begun his career. For me, all the musicians should have the opportunity to show their piece of music, in which thay have been working for so many hours, and not only  those who are usually in the spotlight.

 Music is such a wide world which we need to discover, that is impossible to enjoy it completely if you don't go further and seek new artist or composer whose works are usually ignored by the media.I have to say that I have discovered many of my most favorite artists by chance searching music on youtube, thanks to web pages like that, I have really opened my mind to new styles of music that I didn't even  know I liked them so much.

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