
Prácticas de redacción

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

Differences between living in the city and living in a village.

First of all, I must say I´ve been living in a very small village all my life. In a village like mine, you will never get lose, almost all people knows you or your family, besides your neighbors will become part of your daily life, in fact, you will see them more often than your family. My village is a good place for example, to do sport, I can see the mountain from my window, it´s so near to the nature, activities like senderism, hiking or picnic can easily being carried out and you don´t need to go by car, this is other excuse for taking your bike and go ahead.

After some really good advantages, I confess that all that is gold does not glitter, and that means that many times you can feel tired of doing almost all weekends the same things. For that reason, I personally think that living in the city is far better.

The city is always alive, there are plenty of theatres, cafes, shops, people... Furthermore in many cases you don´t need to catch the bus or drive the car, It will be always fun to go through the streets, with someone or alone, feel the vibe of the city, the motion of the people around you, It seems like you are free of going wherever you want without obstacles, It´s like you belong to the city and of course, the city belongs to you.

To sum up, villages are good places if you are a nature lover or simply a quiet person who likes the lonely, but if you are a lively and curious mind, your perfect future will be  in a big city, full of things you most like.

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